by admin in May 30,2010
Finally a new Hunter: the Vigil book is out! Personally, Hunter is one of my favorites in World of Darkness, it has a lot more horror-like feeling than the other WoD series... So, what"s new? "For many hunters carrying the Vigil, the hunt is only one part of their lives. Many belong to hunter organizations-the more localized compacts, or the globe-spanning conspiracies. Joining such a group comes with varying advantages-safety in numbers, a paycheck, access to unique weapons and critical information, and camaraderie. But it also comes replete with new problems: competition, cover-ups, and a rigorous set of rules to which one must adhere or face the always-unpleasant consequences. This book seeks to detail what life is like inside one of these organizations. What's it like to belong to such a group? How does one get recruited? What does it take to advance-what sacrifices must be made?"
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